Welcome to the home of CATAN for Gen Con Online! You’ll find seminars and specials, plus some other great things to share for you for our virtual Gen Con presence. Check back again, as we’ll be adding more as we get closer to the show.
Catan Shop:
The Catan Shop will be featuring some special bundles and new merchandise for Gen Con Online. Be sure to click on the links around the website for a special surprise! http://www.catanshop.com Want to get a sneak peak? You can pre-order the CATAN ® 25th Anniversary Edition today.
Catan Studio is presenting two live Seminars at Gen Con Online. All Gen Con events and seminars are on Eastern Daylight Time Zone.
ENT20184513 – Gen Con TV: Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of CATAN! / Saturday, August 1st, 10:00 AM EDT
CATAN is celebrating our 25th Anniversary with all kinds of fun memories, art, interviews, and more. Stick around to watch the Catan Studio team show-off new releases and run demo play-throughs of Legend of the Conquerors!
SEM20184279 – Let’s Get Organized! / Saturday, August 1st, 3:00 PM EDT
Are you a publisher, retailer, or game enthusiast looking to get involved in an Organized Play Program? Our panelists will talk about starting a program for a newly published game, growing a community in a retail setting, or how to get involved in a competitive program for the games you love. Our panel consists of publishers, organizers, and retailers committed to creating safe spaces for people gathering to play games together.
Demo Games:
Join CATAN Studio Organized Play Coordinator, Stephanie Newman with demonstrations of our latest title. Legend of the Conquerors is a scenario expansion for CATAN: Cities & Knights. Demonstrations will take place on the Tabletopia platform. You must be registered with Tabletopia and provide your username to CATAN Studio when registering for this demonstration. Voice instructions will take place on the CATAN Studio Discord server. Instructions can be found at https://www.catanstudio.com/gen-con-online/legend-of-the-conquerors-demos/.
- BGM20186602 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Fri @ 11:00 AM EDT
- BGM20186603 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Fri @ 1:00 PM EDT
- BGM20186604 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Fri @ 3:00 PM EDT
- BGM20186605 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Sat @ 11:00 AM EDT
- BGM20186606 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Sat @ 1:00 PM EDT
- BGM20186607 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Sat @ 4:00 PM EDT (livestream)
- BGM20186608 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Sun @ 1:00 PM EDT (livestream)
- BGM20186609 Catan Cities & Knights – Legend of the Conquerors / Sun @ 3:00 PM EDT
Catan Universe on Twitch
Catan Studio will be featuring Catan Universe on Twitch! Catan Studio Community Director, Donna Prior, will be streaming live play throughs. You’ll see the CATAN tutorial, CATAN base game, expansions, and Rivals for CATAN. Drop by and chat about the games and maybe get some surprises!
Catan Studio will be launching an official Discord for all fans of CATAN. We will open it up when Gen Con Online launches. Gen Con will also be hosting a Discord. We will update the links when they are available.